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ইংৰাজী কবিতা, OUR SCHOOL, Purabi Dey, ৪ৰ্থ বছৰ ৪ৰ্থ সংখ্যা


The first institution where we go,
 where we play and learn , 
The place where we start to hold a pen ,
The ground where we start to have fun 
That is our school.

The place that enables us to learn alphabets,
Where we start to recognize numbers, Where the teacher teaches us words to express our feelings ,
The platform to mingles with others ,
That is our school.

The classrooms where we weave our dreams,
The pages where we paint our futures,
The books from which we gather knowledge,
The black board which helps us to understand alzebras and equations,
That is our School .

The little world where we frame our emotions,
Where we celebrate our culture and festivals ,
Where we learn about Language, History and Morality,
Where we enjoy sports, excursions and field trips ,
That is our School .


Name - Purabi Dey
School - Bhalla L.P.School
Block - Rani
District- Kamrup

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